Expo Data

Visitor trends

Total visitors: 22,049,544 persons
Average visitors per day: 119,186 persons
Most visitors in a single day: 281,441 persons (September 18)
Fewest visitors in a single day: 43,023 persons (March 25)

Results of visitor survey

Visitors' average time at the Expo: 6 hours and 55 minutes
Share of area residents: 53.0% (Tokai three prefectures)
Percentage of repeat visitors: 38.1% (those who visited twice or more)
Percentage of foreign visitors: 4.6% (average of 5,668 per day)
Those who said the Expo was good: Roughly 80%
Those who said they wanted to come again: Roughly 75%
Largest number of visits using a full-season pass: 270 (includes multiple visits in a single day)
Average number of visits by season pass owners: 11.05 times

Methods of transportation outside the venue

Linimo: 8.54 million persons
Station shuttle bus: 2.26 million persons (including buses between Yakusa Sta. and Expo sites, buses between Fujigaoka Sta. and Expo site for avoiding visitors' waiting.
Park and Ride parking areas: 4.34 million persons
Group buses: 3.37 million persons
Others: 3.54 million persons

Methods of transportation within the venue

Morizo Gondola: 3.36 million persons
Intervenue fuel-cell hybrid bus: 1.00 million persons
IMTS: 1.79 million persons
Kiccoro Gondola: 4.34 million persons
Global Tram: 1.13 million persons
Bicycle taxicabs: 320,000 persons

Comfort and safety

Number of people suffering heatstroke or possible heatstroke: 313
Number of people treated with defibrillators: 3
Number of lost children cared for: 584
Number of lost items found: 28,512

Ticket sales

Total tickets sold: 17.14 million (as of October 15)
Advance tickets sold: 9.388 million
Same-day tickets sold: 7.752 million
Full-season passes sold: 439,000

Visitors at major pavilions

Japan Pavilion Nagakute: 3.08 million persons
Japan Pavilion Seto: 690,000 persons
Aichi Pavilion Nagakute: 3.75 million persons
Aichi Pavilion Seto: 930,000 persons
Earth Tower Nagoya City: 3.03 million persons
Global House: 6.96 million persons
NGO Global Village: 2.12 million persons
Wanpaku Treasure Island: 2.70 million persons
Wonder Circus-Electric Power Pavilion: 3.74 million persons
JR Central Pavilion: 6.90 million persons
JAMA Wonder Wheel Pavilion: 1.48 million persons
Mitsubishi Pavilion @Earth: 3.03 million persons
Toyota Group Pavilion: 2.65 million persons
Hitachi Group Pavilion: 1.70 million persons
MITSUI-TOSHIBA Pavilion: 1.63 million persons
Mountain of Dreams: 6.00 million persons
Gas Pavilion: 2.47 million persons

How Expo 2005 met the BIE's aims for an international exposition

Participating countries: 121
Participating international organizations: 4
Foreign visitors (prime minister-level or higher): 48
Foreign visitors (cabinet minister-level): 195
Other important foreign visitors: 268
Foreign media at the venue: Approx. 1,800 reporters representing approx. 380 media organizations from approx. 75 countries
First Nature's Wisdom Awards (exterior and interior): Gold Prize won by Republic of Korea, Turkey, the Philippines, and Venezuela
Second Nature's Wisdom Awards (message): Gold Prize won my Germany, Mexico, the Netherlands, and the Andes Amazonian Pavilion
Symposiums held: Seven sessions of the Expo 2005 International Forums: Creation of sustainable society
Related international conferences: Children's Environmental Summit 2005, Forum for a Peaceful Earth and others

Understanding of the theme

What visitors felt through their Expo experience Teenage visitors All visitors
Cutting-edge technology 94.50% 87.20%
New social systems 93.00% 84.80%
International exchange 93.10% 83.20%
Citizen participation 88.90% 71.50%

Changes in thinking and actions of Expo visitors

Were influenced 95.40% 84.50%
Were aware of their actions and connected them with their experience 58.60% 70.30%
Gained knowledge and desire to learn more 36.80% 14.20%
Nothing, don't know 4.60% 15.50%

Embodiments of the theme that impressed them

What left the greatest impression International exchange: 68.6% Cutting-edge technology: 73.9%