Caucasus Pavilion
Official name
Caucasus Pavilion
Theme / Exhibition
The three Caucasian countries have an ancient civilization and the people there are known for their health and longevity. The popularity of fermented food such as yogurt, cheese and wine is said to play a part in their health. Caucasians regard natural food such as herbs (planted for food as well as for use in medicine) and honey as gifts of nature.
The theme of the Caucasus Pavilion is "health and longevity" and the exhibition uses maps, pictures of mountains and paintings to illustrate the theme. People and tradition, history and daily life - these are the key elements of the Caucasus exhibition, which give visitors the opportunity to see the splendor of nature and its wisdom.
Food / Drink
A food store serves food from the three Caucasian countries.
A souvenir store is also on the site.