Basic expressions / Numbers / Emergency-related words

Basic expressions

Ohayou gozaimasu Good morning
Konnichi wa Good afternoon
Konban wa Good evening
Oyasumi-nasai Good night
Sayounara Good-bye
Mata aimashou Let’s meet again
Arigatou Thank you
Dou itashimashite You’re welcome
Sumimasen Excuse me
Gomen-nasai Sorry
Hai, onegai-shimasu Yes, please
Iie, kekkou desu No, thank you
Chotto matte-kudasai Wait a minute, please
Mou ichido itte-kudasai Please say that again


zero zero
ichi one
ni two
san three
shi four
go five
roku six
shichi seven
hachi eight
kyuu nine
jyuu ten
hyaku one hundred
sen one thousand
man ten thousand
jyuu - man one hundred thousand

Emergency-related words

kinkyuu emergency
kyuukyuusha ambulance
keisatsu police
kega injury
isha doctor
byouin hospital
kusuri medicine
hoken insurance
tounan robbery
koutsuu jiko traffic accident
kaji fire
itai I have pains.
kurushii It’s painful/distressful.
Tasukete! Help!
Pasupouto o nakushimashita I lost my passport.
Saifu o nusumaremashita My wallet was stolen.
Eigo o hanaseru hito wa imasenka? Is there anyone who can speak English?
Kouban wa doko desu ka? Where is the police box?