

중화 인민공화국

내셔널 데이

05.19.2005 (Thu)

공식출전국 사이트 (WEB)


Theme / Exhibition

Under the theme "Nature, City, Harmony - Art of Life," the exhibition aims to convey the pursuit of balanced development in China by removing discordant elements in urban and rural development and in the relationship between economic development and social issues so that man and nature can get along in harmony. The emphasis of the exhibition centers on the development of city life, which presages the main theme "Better City, Better Life" at the 2010 World Exposition in Shanghai, the first world expo to be held in China.

To give a panoramic view of the immense Chinese culture, the exhibition is divided into five exhibition areas.
Exhibition Area 1: The Tree of Life, an elegant musical movement. Using the light effect of the Tree of Life, the exhibition presents the scenes of seasonal change and the order of day and night. Fragrance floats out of the Tree of Life and combines with the simulated sound of nature, giving the visitor a novel audiovisual experience.
Exhibition Area 2: A tour of Chinese civilization. The large relief on the wall and video documentaries about Chinese cities give the visitor a broad sense of Chinese civilization, from antiquity to modern life.
Exhibition Area 3: Art of Life. The best of Chinese relics, especially those from the Han and Tang dynasties, and modern-day Chinese high-tech products are on display in this area. Scenes of Chinese life are reproduced by three-dimensional and other modern projection technology.
Exhibition Area 4: Crystal Cinema. The futuristic crystal-like cinema uses rotating screens to display documentaries interpreting the theme of the China Pavilion.
Exhibition Area 5: Sandalwood Study. The Chinese-style study is furnished with sandalwood furniture of Qing Dynasty design. The study also serves as a VIP lounge and a place for small performances.