Comments on the judging in the design contest for the EXPO 2005 AICHI, JAPAN Linimo car bodies

The contest entries were each impressive works that expressed the theme of “Nature's Wisdom” in their own way. A total of 284 were received from inside and outside Japan. In judging the entries, we judges considered them with reference to the following questions.

- Does the entry convey the EXPO 2005 theme?
- Does it reflect key words such as “nature,” “environment,” and “universe/life?”
- Does the design have a novel concept/expression? Will it provoke comment?
- Does the design deliver EXPO 2005's appeal?
- Is the design of a quality befitting an international exposition?
- Is the entry appropriate as a design for linear-motor car bodies?

The judges selected one entry for the first prize, one for second prize, and five for third prizes.

The appeal of the entry by Urso Chappell, who was awarded first prize, lies in its dynamic expression of the key words “nature,” “environment,” and “universe/life.”

In a manifestation of the cycle of life, the design proceeds in turn from blue to green, yellow, and green before going back to blue. We gave it the highest ratings for managing to be both bold and bracing as well as in keeping with an international exposition, and so awarded it first prize.

The other six prize-winning entries were also wonderful designs, and did not rank far below the first-prize entry.

The entries which were unfortunately not selected for prizes all clearly evidenced the enthusiasm of their creators inspired by the EXPO 2005 theme. We judges hereby express our delight and gratitude to all of the entrants for making the design contest such a big success.